Our portfolio | Coderama
Remote / Project rotation / Referral bonus of 2000€ / Work & Travel.
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We know that if you're the best, you can work for anyone.

That's why we offer you, in addition to great BENEFITS, an adequate salary. Fill in our questionnaire and we will give you an estimate of your future salary at CODERAMA based on your experience.

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Portfólio klientov ktorí využili IT Outsourcing

Our portfolio

We build long-term partnerships.
A wide range of the most capable people in IT = fine-tuned solutions from the best for the best.
biely kód

satisfied customers

IT projekt

years on the market

IT firma

successfully submitted projects

Our IT work

We have delivered 100+ successful IT projects. See a sample of our most successful solutions.

The trust of our clients motivates us to achieve better results

What our clients say