That's why we offer you, in addition to great BENEFITS, an adequate salary. Fill in our questionnaire and we will give you an estimate of your future salary at CODERAMA based on your experience.
job positions
Manage card transactions
1x a week onsite in Bratislava.
With experience with TOSCA testsuite.
Become part of the team in Prague.
Become part of the team in Prague.
Program your senses in .NET and React.
For an American client.
Project in the agriculture sector.
We won't drag you from the East to the West or from your beloved home in the village to the big city. Whether you enjoy waking up with a view of the Tatras mountains or feel great among busy café aisles, you can still work for and with the best. CODERAMA is that good, that it can have people all over the country.
Do you prefer to work from home? We're okay with that as well. Would you like to meet your colleagues at breakfast? Anytime!
CODERAMA will have an office in every Slovak regional city. Coming soon and available to you 24/7.
BBC 1 Plus, Plynárenská 1,
821 09 Bratislava
Bakossova 8,
974 01 Banská Bystrica
Informatika, ul. Československej armády 3,
036 01 Martin
Za Plavárňou 3/8121,
010 08 Žilina
Werferova 1
040 11 Košice
Anyone today can offer a good salary. We are different. With us, you'll really enjoy your work.