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What are the salaries of programmers and which IT positions earn the most?

Alexandra Vaszily|28.03.2023

Are you interested in how much people really earn in the IT sector? Or are you grinding your teeth on a career as a programmer and would like to know if it is really worth it? Let’s have a look together at the reality of the salaries of Slovak IT professionals.

It is no news that the IT industry is one of the more lucrative industries. No wonder then, people with IT education and experience are in demand in almost every average company and they are indispensable for the running of our current society and the business world. Since the demand for real professionals far exceeds the supply, salary conditions in this sector are above the usual standard. 

What is the average IT salary?

Let’s look at the comparison between salaries of IT professionals with that of the Slovak average. According to the Štatistického úradu SR (Office of Statistics of the Slovak Republic), the average monthly salary in 2021 was 1, 211 euros. For the first half of 2022, it became 1, 252 euros. So, the average salary rose by more than 7 % year-on-year. However, there is not much to be happy about, because, in reality, salaries fell by 2,9 % after inflation adjustment. More information here. The average salary grew to 1, 296 euros in the third quarter of 2022, and this is the last recorded figure. So, let’s just stick to the figures which are relevant for our comparison. 

How is the IT industry doing? According to the portal Platy.sk, employees in information technology earn from 1, 503 euros to 3, 346 euros. This is just an approximate range where different job positions can be found. At the same time, 10 % of people earn even more than the highest amount. So, just from this simple comparison, we can see that salaries in IT are noticeably higher than the average national salary. In the list of the highest salaries by work area, they rank in second place with the average salary of 2, 348 euros, right after top management. Therefore, the salaries of many IT professionals are comparable to managers.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule and there are definitely other industries with lucrative pay. For example, according to Štatistického úradu (The office of Statistics), Financial and Insurance activities along with the Information and Communication sector, where IT comes under as well, are the highest paid industries.

Which IT positions are the best paid?

Let’s now have a look at specific job positions in IT. Here, too, there are a number of activities one can engage in and that are evaluated differently, be it according to education level, skills level or years of experience.

According to the portal Platy.sk, IT positions which are lower paid, are, for example, web designer, webmaster, system information or computer network administrator, service engineer or service technician. However, these positions are still well-paid, where the lowest salary starts at 1,000 euros. Here, too, though, the salary can grow with years of experience, climbing very high, even reaching a superior limit of around 3,000 euros. 

The best paid IT positions include, for example, an IT architect with a salary range of 2,128 to 5,121 euros or a lead developer with a salary range of 2, 276 to 5, 453 euros. And, of course, positions of programmers in various languages, IT security specialists, cloud specialists or DevOps specialists are also well-paid. IT managers and IT analysts are not far behind. Salaries in all named positions can exceed the limit of 3, 000 euros. 

And how is it here in Coderama? The salaries of our specialists can range between 3,000 to 6,400 euros on a trade licence (it is also possible to work for us as a permanent employee), depending on skills and experience. So, if you are looking for new employment in IT, do not hesitate to have a look at our vacant job positions and join our Coderama team. You will definitely not be disappointed with our work conditions, friendly atmosphere and our team full of great people. :)



Alexandra Vaszily

Marketing manager