Master of Informatics
Žilina, SK
EQF level 7
Study program: Information Systems - Data Processing
Master thesis: Evolutionary Algorithms for Data Mining
Preto ti ponúkame okrem skvelých BENEFITOV aj adekvátne platové ohodnotenie. Vyplň náš dotazník a my ti na základe tvojich skúseností vypracujeme odhad tvojej budúcej výplaty v CODERAMA.
Java Developer with 5+ years working experience mainly in Spring ecosystem, putting focus on best possible solutions and clean code. Most of the time I was doing backend development, but ocassionally I had to deal with frontend tasks, so I have also a little experience with a frontend development. Preferring more coding and less meetings.
English - B2
Žilina, SK
EQF level 7
Study program: Information Systems - Data Processing
Master thesis: Evolutionary Algorithms for Data Mining
GoPSG 2 (Komix s.r.o., Czech Republic; Customer: ŠKODA AUTO, a.s) - Cloud micro-service web application
All parts of ŠKODA AUTO ČR vehicles that are replaced under warranty repairs undergo warranty testing, where the cause of damage to the specific part being claimed is analysed as a preliminary part of the process, in which ŠKODA AUTO improves its cars through technical development to ensure that similar defects do not occur in future models. Thus, the analysis mainly needs to cover receiving, releasing, stock operations of the parts and dealing with the dealership that services the order.
The aim was a complete refactoring of the application, with emphasis on UX and UI, to centralize the handling of damaged parts not only in ŠKODA AUTO ČR but also in the foreign markets where ŠKODA AUTO operates. The original application, which consisted of an application running on users' PCs and a web part of the application on the dealership portal, has been replaced with a unified web application running in the cloud environment.
Activities & Responsibilities:
I got involved in the GoPSG 2 project almost at the beginning as a backend developer, when I was tasked to setup the structure of the main service of the application and implementing the first endpoints. Later, my role changed to backend lead developer, where my tasks were to implement the security of the application (SSO SAML, OAuth, x509), integration to ŠKODA modules/systems, reports generation, mail messaging, managing project's code quality as main code reviewer, and maintain build and release management within Azure DevOps. Beside that, I have occasionally participated in minor frontend tasks.
Tesop 2 (Komix s.r.o., Czech Republic; Customer: ŠKODA AUTO, a.s.) - On-prem micro-service web application.
The TESOP application is used in the development area of ŠKODA AUTO a.s. It is used for planning development tests, solving logistic processes, financial planning of projects, reporting of hours worked, managing test reports, transporting cars.
The target state of the project was the implementation of the TESOP 2 application, which is a complete replacement for the existing TESOP application and meets "cloud native" requirements.
Activities & Responsibilities:
I was part of the team that was in charche of backend development of the "work reports" and "orders" modules. My role was to do common backend work such as implementing REST API endpoints, PDF generation, email templating, bug fixing, writing tests and also doing code reviews for other members of the team. I have also participated in small security tasks where I was supervised by our senior members. Beside that, I have occasionally worked on small frontend tasks.
AZU/Kodopla (MIM, Slovakia; Customer: Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic) - complex questonary tool for creating custom questonaries to be published in organisations of public administration to gather data about processes.
Activities & Responsibilities:
I have joined the project in the maintenance phase, where I was tasked to implement change requests and fix bugs.
OverSi (DXC Technology, Slovakia; Customer: Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the Slovak Republic) - Micro-service webapp for centralized reference data sharing in public administration (Commercial Register, Trade Register, Criminal Records Register, or Ownership Letters, including a copy of the cadastral map)
Activities & Responsibilities:
I have joined the project as a junior developer where I have first experienced micro-service architecture. My responsibilities were implementing features in backend/frontend under the patrol of our lead developer, bug fixing as well as writing tests and doing code reviews.
SIGP Apps - internal web-based ERP application.
Activities and responsibiliities:
During my short participation on this project as a junior developer, I was doing administration page to manage developer teams, implementing new features in candidates administration, implementing PDF generation of the CVs and doing bug fixes.
TeamsCom - REST-based web application to support manager's decisions based on team-communication data.
Activities & Responsibilities:
In this project, I was resposible for implementing "data miners" to collect data from various google services. I was also tasked to implement communication graph which would describe though node distances a communication intensity between team members, where I have applied gradient optimization agorithm. During project I have also worked on email templating.
Webcrawler (Delloite) - Desktop application for data collecting from various news websites.
Activities & Responsibilities:
My responsibility was to implement data collectors for various news sites within custom web crawler framework.